Have you ever said a ' wow '? Yeah! We've watched films, heard soulful music, visited beautiful places and met amazing people. So, we've might have told it a lot of times. But any time to yourself ? A 'wow'? During my college days when I was utterly confused about the direction i was travelling, I made up my mind to boost myself. Yeah, I made a ' wow ' plate and placed it at the coziest corner of my room. Ever since, it has inspired me to be a wow to myself and to never settle for ordinary. to to get up whenever I felt like slipping away. Whenever I cried for my failures I contemplated on this ' wow ' to bounce back. I kept reminding myself to be ' wow ' rather than being normal. As the time passed by, I told wow to myself several times. Getting into a job was a wow thing for me like everyone. But I've told myself bigger wows many times other than that. There were specifically some wow days when i could ...
"Autumn spoke of heartache, Winter despair, Spring bore hope, Summer, joy. The Earth's tilted axis was a beautiful flaw.!! " Nothing other than seasons describe the beauty of living life.Every season is beautiful for it prepares us for the next, the best or the worst.