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Wow !

Have you ever said a 'wow'?  Yeah! We've watched  films,  heard soulful music, visited beautiful places and met amazing people. So, we've might have told it a lot of times. But any time to yourself ?  A 'wow'? 

During my college days when I was utterly confused about the direction i was travelling,  I made up my mind to boost myself. Yeah,  I made a 'wow' plate and placed it at the  coziest corner of my room. Ever since, it has inspired me to be a wow to myself and to never settle for ordinary.   to  to get up whenever I felt like slipping away. Whenever I cried for my failures I contemplated on this 'wow' to bounce back. I kept  reminding myself to be 'wow' rather than being normal. As the time passed by, I told wow to myself several times. Getting into a job was a wow thing for me like everyone. But I've  told myself bigger wows many times other than that. There were specifically some wow days when i could sleep satisfied with all peace. I tell wow to myself when I start doing something I think I couldn't.  I say wow when things fall at place unexpectedly. I say wow when i do something all my own. I say wow when I realise staying true to oneself is the best thing one can do to its inner bae. And with all pride and vibe,  my 'wow' plate keep on sticking to my wall,  inspiring me to keep growing each moment.

Yeah, self appreciation is key to improve your growth. Because if you can't appreciate yourself, then there's no happiness.  Patting on your  own shoulder,  before others doing it give more power to yourself. If you believe,  if you truly believe, you are right,  then hold on to yourself. Just like you become a critic of yourself, admire yourself with all your heart. ❤️


So,  why not  give a try?  Get your wow plate ready. 😇🌟


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